Why Your Plants are Begging For Castings (and how to use them)
The How-To Guide
Castings contain beneficial microbes that act like your plant's personal health coaches.
They improve soil structure better than your favorite gym trainer improves muscle tone
They help retain water, making your plants more drought-resistant
They teach your plants to become nutrient-processing powerhouses
They help create stronger cell walls, making plants more resilient
They build up the plant's immune systems (yes, plants have those!)
Healthy plants grown in soil rich with microbes are known for having:
Improved flowering and fruit production (Matta, 2008, https://www.mafes.msstate.edu/publications/bulletins/b1169.pdf)
Higher nutritional value and better flavor in edible plants (Montgomery, 2022, https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8801175/)
Enhanced seed viability for next season (Hildago, 2009, https://www.mafes.msstate.edu/publications/research-reports/rr22-6.pdf

For New Plants (The Welcome Package)
Deposit one handful to one cup of castings into the hole you have dug for your plant. Consider the adult size of the plant when choosing how many castings to add. Unlike common fertilizers, worm castings will not burn your plants.
Planting directly on top of fresh worm castings gives your plants an easy place to establish their roots while being nourished and cared for by a multitude of microbes!
For Existing Plants (The Maintenance Plan)
Sprinkle 1-2 inches around your plants (like tucking them in with a nutrient blanket).
Castings will work well a few inches away from the stems. Don't damage the root structure by jostling the stem if you can avoid it.
Water after the application of castings to help those nutrients sink in.
For Container Plants
Mix 1 part castings to 4 or 5 parts potting soil for a rich soil your plants will thrive in. Want to skip this step? We blend our potting soil without the castings, then mix in the castings when you place your order! Email us to get started!
Save money by layering logs, cardboard, leaves, or pebbles in the bottom third of your container. (You can layer halfway up in deeper raised beds!) Your plant's roots will work around the material easily, and by next year the organic material will be mostly broken down into nutritious compost!
🌟 Reminder: Unlike chemical fertilizers, worm castings won't burn your plants. It's like having a buffet where you can't overeat!
The benefits after 20% significantly drop off, so adding more than 20% isn't necessary.
Making Worm Extract
Do you want to take your garden game to the next level? Try making castings extract! Your plants will love it. Here's the recipe.
Place 1 cup of premium castings in a mesh bag or an old sock.
Add 1 gallon of dechlorinated water. (If you are on city water you can simply leave the water out, uncapped, for 24 hours. The chlorine will naturally dissipate.)
Let it steep in lukewarm water for about 24 hours.
Spray on leaves or soil (different plants have different preferences) for a boost.
The Bottom Line
Worm castings are like a spa day for your garden - they rejuvenate, nourish, and make everything better. Your plants get healthier, your soil gets richer, and you get to feel like a gardening genius. Plus, you get to tell everyone you're using worm poop to grow amazing plants, and who doesn't love a good conversation starter?
Your plants will thank you with bigger blooms, tastier vegetables, and enough growth to make the neighbors wonder what your secret is. (Feel free to tell them - or keep them guessing!)
Disclaimer: Not that I think anyone would drink this, but Worm Tea is for plants. Not humans!
Prefer Worm Tea?
Worm tea is worm extract that is aerated with other ingredients to increase the microbial and or fungal load. Things like molasses, fish emulsion, humic acid and other nutrients are added to increase the micronutrients of the extract or to target specific problems in the soil.
Is worm tea worth it? In a word... YES! I'm not educated enough about it to say anything else at this time.
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