
Worm Castings....

Worm castings are known for improving pest and disease resistance, increasing root and plant growth, enhancing soil structure, and aiding in water retention. Fresh castings that have never been deprived of oxygen or moisture are best for full microbial benefits.

1 quart

1 gallon

15 gallons

5 gallons

Contact us for larger orders!





Gallons vs pounds...If you have been shopping around you will find some worm farmers measure in pounds while others measure by gallons. We measure by volume because the weight fluctuates drastically based on how wet the material is. Some larger farms may measure moisture percentages before weighing, but we are not equipped for that yet.

A gallon of fresh worm casting will weigh around 5 to 6 pounds. Castings that have sat on the shelf may have dried out and will weigh less.. Many microbes will go dormant, but some will not survive. This is why we highly recommend purchasing local castings if you can, if not, arrange with a worm farmer to have castings shipped immediately after harvest. While box stores sell worm castings that will still help your garden, the microbes may not be as dense.

person holding black soil
person holding black soil
Insect Frass...

Frass is the excrement of insects. Frass contains nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that aid plant growth. Frass also contains chitin. Chitn improves soil texture and water retention., and suppresses soil pathogens. Chitin stimulates a plant's immune system against disease and has also been found to boost plant growth.

12 ounces

2.5 pounds



Composting worms

Because we are working hard to build up our worm population we only sell worms from our farm to our local community. We partner with highly trusted worm farmers to provide worms to customers who need them shipped. We will be happy to help you on your worm journey whether or not your worms come from our farm. When you order through our link we will receive a small fee which helps us in our efforts to reduce waste and restore soil! Local customers will receive a small discount as a thank you for buying locally.

1/2 pound Red Wiggler. @ 500


1 pound Red Wiggler. @ 1,000


2 pounds Red Wigglers @ 2,000
